Privacy Policy

Navigation information pursuant to art. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679

Reference standards:

  • - EU regulation no. 679 of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of personal data (hereinafter "EU Regulation")
  • - Legislative Decree n. 196 of 30 June 2003 (hereinafter the "Privacy Code"), as amended by Legislative Decree n. 101 of 10 August 2018
  • -Recommendation n. 2 of May 17, 2001 concerning the minimum requirements for online data collection in the European Union, adopted by the European authorities for the protection of personal data, gathered in the Group established by art. 29 of the directive n. 95/46 / EC (hereinafter "Recommendation of the Working Group pursuant to art. 29")
  • -Guidelines on promotional activities and the fight against spam "of 4 July 2013 (hereinafter "Guidelines of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data")

Toscana Outdoor by Nicola Dainelli with registered office in Via C. Pavese, n. 6
50051 Castelfiorentino (FI) Castelfiorentino CF: DNLNCL71P03D403W - PI: 06712760484, wishes to inform users about the methods and conditions applied by the Association to the processing operations carried out on personal data.
In particular, the information is provided in relation to the personal data of users who consult and use the website of the Association, which corresponds to the following domain: The Association acts as "Data Controller", to this means "the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data".
Specifically, the processing of personal data may be carried out by persons specifically authorized to carry out processing operations on users' personal data and for this purpose duly instructed by the Association. In application of the legislation on the processing of personal data, users who consult and use the Association's website assume the quality of "interested parties", by which we mean the natural persons to whom the personal data being processed refer.
It should be noted that the information is not intended to be extended to other websites that may be consulted by users through the links, including any Social Buttons, present on the Association's website. In particular, Social Buttons are digital buttons or links for direct connection with Social Network platforms (such as, by way of example and not limited to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), configured in each single "button".
By clicking on these links, users will be able to access the Association's social accounts.
The managers of the Social Networks, to which the Social Buttons refer, operate as independent Data Controllers; consequently, any information relating to the methods by which the aforementioned Data Controllers carry out processing operations on users' personal data can be found on the relevant Social Network platforms.

1. Purpose of the processing of personal data

The personal data provided by users will be processed by the Association for the following purposes:

  • Use of navigation on the Association's website;
  • Correct processing of requests for information made by users;
  • Issuing of authentication credentials suitable to allow users to access the reserved area of the website and to place orders online;
  • Management of contractual relationships and all administrative, operational, management and accounting activities relating to contractual relationships (order management, invoicing, supplier reliability checks, after-sales assistance and support);
  • Management of litigation, breach of contract, warnings, transactions, arbitrations, judicial disputes;
  • Fulfillment of the obligations established by laws, regulations, community regulations and provisions issued by authorities;
  • With the explicit and optional consent of the users, the Association will send communications for marketing and similar purposes such as the sending of advertising material, attempted direct sales, carrying out market research and commercial communication;

2. Navigation data
With reference to the purpose referred to in point 1 / a) of this information, it should be noted that the navigation data, the IT systems and the software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server and other parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of each user. The navigation data does not persist for more than 1 year, without prejudice to any need to ascertain crimes by the judicial authorities.

3.Legal basis of data processing
With reference to the purposes referred to in points 1.a) 1.b) 1.c) and 1.d) of this information, the legal basis of the processing consists in the execution of the services provided through the website (pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b of the EU Regulation). With reference to the purpose referred to in points 1.e) and 1.f) of this information, the legal basis consists in the fulfillment of the legal obligations to which the Association is subject (pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, let . c of the EU Regulation). With reference to the optional purposes referred to in points 1.g), 1.h) and 1.i) of this information, the legal basis consists in the express consent freely provided by users (pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, let. a of the EU Regulation). With reference to all cases in which the processing of personal data is based on consent, it is specified that users can revoke, at any time, the consent already given to the processing of personal data; the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the withdrawal itself. It is possible to revoke the consent already given to the Association by writing to the following email address:

4. Methods and duration of the processing of personal data
The data processing may be carried out by paper, computer and telematic means, also through the internet, by the company personnel specifically authorized and instructed, in writing, by the Association. In any case, the processing of personal data takes place in full compliance with the provisions aimed at guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of personal data, as well as, among other things, the accuracy, updating and relevance of personal data with respect to the purposes stated in the this information. The personal data collected will be stored in electronic and / or paper archives present at the registered office or the operational offices of the Association. Without prejudice to the fact that the navigation data, as defined in point 2 of this information, do not persist for more than 1 year, the processing of personal data takes place for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected or in any case based on the deadlines set by law. In relation to the purposes of marketing and commercial promotion, in case of manifestation of the optional consents requested, the personal data collected will be kept for the time strictly necessary for the management of the purposes indicated above according to criteria based on compliance with current regulations and correctness as well as balance between the legitimate interest of the Association and the rights and freedoms of users. Consequently, in the absence of specific rules that provide for different storage times, the Association will take care to use personal data for the aforementioned marketing and commercial promotion purposes for an appropriate time. In any case, the Association will take every care to avoid the use of personal data indefinitely, proceeding, on a periodic basis, to adequately verify the effective persistence of the users' interest in having the processing carried out for marketing and promotion purposes. commercial. It is also specified that the Association has adopted specific security measures to prevent the loss, illicit or incorrect use of personal data and unauthorized access to the same data.

5.Categories of the subjects to whom the personal data will be communicated.

The personal data being processed may be disclosed:

  • To the subjects and in the cases provided for by law;
  • To banking institutions for the management of collections and payments and to payment service providers or acquirers (eg paypal, alipay or other payment gateways);
  • To external subjects who carry out specific tasks on behalf of Toscana Outdoor in relation to the purposes set out above, identified as Data Processors;

Personal data will not be transferred outside the territory of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). Personal data will not be disseminated and therefore will not be disclosed to the public or to an indefinite number of subjects

6. Compulsory or optional nature of the provision of personal data and consequences of refusal to provide it
The provision of personal data for the purposes referred to in points 1.a), 1.b), 1.c), 1.d), 1.e) and 1.f) of this information is mandatory. Any refusal to provide personal data makes it impossible for the Association to follow up on users' requests for the use of website content and services. The provision of personal data for the purposes referred to in points 1.g), 1.h) and 1.i) of this information is optional. Any refusal to provide personal data for these purposes makes it impossible for the Association to convey promotions and offers and to communicate personal data to the Associations belonging to the Toscana Outdoor corporate structure for the purposes indicated in point 1h) and 1.i) of this information.

7. Rights of the interested parties

Users can exercise the rights guaranteed by the EU Regulation by contacting the Association in the following ways:

  • By sending a registered letter with return receipt to the registered office of the Association
  • By sending an email to;

Pursuant to the EU Regulation, the Association informs that users can exercise the rights of access to personal data provided for by art. 15 of the EU Regulation and the rights provided for by art. 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 of the same Regulation regarding the rectification, cancellation, limitation of the processing of personal data, data portability, where applicable and opposition to the processing of personal data. The exercise of the rights is carried out without formalities, by making an express request to the coordinates indicated in paragraphs a) and b) of point 7 of this information. If the Association does not provide feedback within the time limits provided for by the legislation or the response to the exercise of the rights is not suitable, users can lodge a complaint with the Italian supervisory authority. The Italian Supervisory Authority is the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, based in Piazza Venezia 11, 00187 Rome (

Cookie policy

  • What are cookies?THE Cookies are small text strings that allow the server to store on the browser of users the information to be reused during the same visit to the same site ("Session cookies") Or later, even after days ("Persistent cookies").
    Cookies it cannot retrieve any other data from users' hard drives or transmit computer viruses or acquire addresses e-mail.
    Every Cookies is unique to the web browser of users. Some of the functions of the Cookies they can be delegated to other technologies.
    Cookies can be "first party", when they report the website as a domain or "third party" if they are sent from sites or from web server different (so-called "third parties") from the one visited and on which some elements may reside (such as images, maps, sounds, specific link to pages of other domains) present on the website visited
  • Types of cookies based on their functionTHE Cookies they can have different functions and according to the function they are divided into:
    • -Cookies technicians who are those necessary for the operation of the site web itself and in turn are divided into:
      • Cookies navigation: or those Cookies that allow normal navigation on the website;
      • Cookies of functionality: that is those Cookies that, in order to improve the browsing experience, memorize the personalizations chosen by users (for example the language);
      • Cookies analytical: or those Cookies which are used to collect information on the number of users who visit the website and on how to visit.

      The Authority for the Protection of Personal Data has equated i Cookies analytical ai Cookies technicians where i Cookies analytics are created and used directly by the first part site. It should be noted that with reference to the Cookies technical and analytical consent to the processing of personal data is not required; for the Cookies analytics of "third parties" consent is not required only if tools are adopted to reduce the identifying power of Cookies (for example anonymization of the IP) and if the "third parties" do not cross the information collected through i Cookies with any additional information they have.

    • -Cookies profiling which are those that allow you to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by them in the context of surfing the net; for using these Cookies user consent is required.

The Association informs that, on its website, it uses Cookies technicians, including those of "third parties" in order to allow and improve the functioning of the web page; the website uses Cookies profiling, including from "third parties", to send advertising messages in line with users' browsing preferences. In particular, the following are identified Cookies used by the Association on this website, as well as the methods of managing preferences regarding the same:

COOKIES TYPE PRIVACY POLICY Persistent and session This document Persistent

Google Analytics Anonymized

This website uses Google Analytics, or a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google") which uses a cookie that is stored on the users' computer in order to identify how users interact with the website. Google uses Cookies owners to monitor user interactions. This Cookies it is used to store information, such as the time at which the current visit occurred, any previous visits to the site by the same user and the site that reported the web page to users. The Association guarantees the anonymization of the IP addresses of users who visit the website, in order not to make them identifiable by Google. The implementation of this Google Analytics setting allows you to anonymize the IP address, setting the value 0 to replace the terminal part of the IP (last octet in case of IPv4 address and last 80 bits of IPv6 addresses). The anonymization process takes place during the transmission of the data to the Google systems, so that the data is stored in the memory and the subsequent processing takes place without the complete IP address having ever been written by Google. Since the processing of personal data is totally anonymous both by the Association and by the third party, it is not necessary to request specific consent from users. Finally, it is specified that it is possible to eliminate the use of Cookies; in this case, however, it will no longer be possible to have some functions necessary to navigate. In particular, at any time, users can disable the use of Cookies on the computer, by changing the configuration of the navigation browser. The methods depend on the browser used and are described in the help menu of the same. In relation to the most popular browsers, the links to the instructions for activating / disabling the use of the Cookies:

Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Apple Safari:
Mozilla Fireforx:

To disable the Cookies third party e Cookies promotional and targeting from the Association's website, it is advisable to view the website , where the methods to disable them are indicated Cookies.

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